Welcome to Year 4!
This year, your teacher will be Mrs Prance with the support of Mrs Birch; we are very excited to welcome you into Year 4 to create lots of exciting experiences and opportunities for learning. More importantly, we are looking forward to supporting you to achieve your best.
With enjoyment we learn better.
Be creative with your ideas.
Have the confidence to be unique.
Be an inspiration.
Always respect yourself and others.
Times Table Check.
In the Summer term, the children will take part in a times table check. The check is completed electronically and consists of 25 randomised times table questions. Learning our times tables is very important. It underpins our Math such as counting, number bonds and place value. In school, we use TT Rock Stars. Your child will be sent home with their log in and can access this fun and interactive way to learn their times tables. We will have an in-class display showing their rock status so playing it as much as possible is very important.
Reading at home plays an important part in developing the skills of a young reader and we encourage you to help in the progression of your child's reading skills by hearing them read at home. Your child should be reading to you at least three times per week. When you have listened to your child read, please record it in your child's purple home reading book. Reading books should be brought into school each day in a school book bag.
Purple Mash
We use Purple Mash in school to support learning in computing, and across other areas of the curriculum. Your child will bring home their Purple Mash login details in their reading record and homework books. They can access Purple Mash at home by following the link bellow and using their individual login details.
Pick up and Drop off
Drop off
Children should be dropped off at either gate at 8:50am and should be in class no later than 9am.
KS2 children will leave from the playground at 3:30pm. Year 4 will be leaving class via the gate near the football pitch.
Physical Education
Year 4 will have PE on Thursdays and Fridays. On PE days, children should come in their PE kit.
Outdoor Learning
Year 4 have Forest School on alternate Wednesday mornings depending on their group. Group information will be on Dojo.
Please ensure your child comes into school wearing their appropriate clothing and they bring their school uniform to change into.
Class Dojo
Across school, we use Class Dojo to communicate information from class but also the wider school. Please continue to check Dojo regularly as there may be some important information relevant to you. Throughout the year, we will update our class page with what has been going on in class along with any badge/certificate winners. You can contact me through Dojo and I will reply as soon as I can between
the hours of 08:00 and 16:00.
Online Safety
Internet safety for children is a top priority when children browse the web. It is important to safeguard them from dangers such as obscenity, malwares, scams, phishing, identify theft, cyberbullying etc. Please take a look at the following links for more information.