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St Cuthbert's Church of England Primary School

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Our vision statement, which is rooted in scripture and a desire for our children to experience life in all it's fullness, underpins our ethos and relationships and is the basis on which we build our curriculum. 


Our Vision Statement


In our family school, we strive to be the best for today, for tomorrow, for ourselves, for each other, the wider world and for God. 

As a Christian family we nurture an understanding that we are all of equal value and infinite worth.

In the safety of our unique family we will flourish and grow towards being Global Citizens and Courageous Advocates. 

 (‘You are now citizens together with God's people and members of the family of God’. Ephesians 2:19)





Our Curriculum Intent


At St Cuthbert’s, the curriculum our children experience enables us to live out our Mission Statement:

‘Learning to Love, Loving to Learn, in the family of Christ.’


Within the safety of our unique, Christian family, we provide the children with carefully planned opportunities to develop the knowledge, skills and understanding they will need to be become Global Citizens and Courageous Advocates. Through our Curriculum, we encourage children to strive for excellence in order to be the best for today, tomorrow, ourselves, each other, the wider world and for God. We support the children in developing their self-awareness and understanding of how to become independent members of the community, developing the skills they need to ensure they flourish and grow.


At St Cuthbert’s we recognise that the Curriculum we offer our children must also provide opportunities for them to develop key attributes and attitudes such as respect, resilience, tolerance and inclusivity, which are essential for them to thrive in the world of the future. We carefully plan opportunities for these to be woven through all aspects of our school curriculum and plan life experiences to help children further develop their love of learning through Forest Schools and a variety of clubs, trips and other extra-curricular activities.


We place high value on the development of children’s wellbeing and spirituality, supporting them in developing a sense of self first, then self of others with an emphasis on kindness. We actively promote and celebrate differences and ensure that our school is inclusive and tolerant, nurturing an understanding that we are all of ‘equal value and infinite worth’. Alongside this, we very much focus on philosophies associated with ‘Growth Mindset’ and how developing resilience and thinking skills, enables us to succeed across all aspects of life,


At St Cuthbert’s we pride ourselves on our inclusivity and the opportunities we can provide for children with SEND. We actively support and nurture children with a range of SEND across both our mainstream and resourced provisions, ensuring that they are valued members of an inclusive school community and that we are developing life-skills essential for them to live a full and rich life. We have a shared belief that these children should not always be moulded to fit into society, but that as a society, we need to adapt to cater for their unique and individual needs. With this in mind, we aspire to teach our children Makaton and create a learning environment rich in visual/ auditory and multi-sensory aids and resources to support and encourage independence.


Careful mapping of the National Curriculum, ensures our curriculum is sequenced so as to enable current learning to be founded upon prior development of relevant knowledge, skills and understanding. We recognise that all children have different starting points, and carefully plan opportunities to support children who may not be in line with ‘age related expectations’. We have highly trained staff who are able to support children through a range of interventions, focusing on needs related to emotional wellbeing and resilience as well as academic development.

If you have any questions regarding the curriculum we deliver, please contact your child's class teacher or the school office.

Please see Class pages for Year Group Long Term Plans.
