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Family Wellbeing and Support

My Family Coach


At St Cuthbert's, we use My Family Coach to help our parents and carers understand their children’s behaviour.

My Family Coach is a free website written by behaviour experts with 20 years’ experience working with over 5,000 schools. My Family Coach will support you through the tough times, inspire you with new ideas, and share practical tips to make parenting that little bit easier.


A Wellbeing Backpack


From the Youth Sport Trust


I came up with the idea of making a Being Well Backpack. Think of the backpack as your own personal self-care toolkit. Below are five areas of focus, ideas and tools:

Monday – You

Work out which daily habits and strategies make you feel good, we are all individuals and different things work for each one of us - so start to shape your backpack based on who you are and what you respond to.

Tuesday – Your Mind

Dedicate 5-10 mins every morning or each day to sit, be still and watch your thoughts come in and pass. Don't attach to them or judge them. See how you feel after a few days of sticking to this habit.

Wednesday – Your Body

We know that moving helps us to release endorphins and feel good. There is lots of evidence which makes the case for why sport, physical activity and play is good for our wellbeing. Make a list of the different ways you can move your body and which ones you enjoy and when you need them. For me, I run if I feel stressed or worried, yoga if I need grounding, dance if I need joy, weights if I want to feel empowered. What about you?

Thursday – Your Feelings

All feelings have a purpose. We sometimes label feelings as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ ones that are ok or not ok. This causes problems as we push them down. Today, feel your feelings, notice them & tell someone how you feel.

Friday – Your World

Looking out for other people in our ‘mini-worlds’ not only helps them but helps us too. Altruism has been shown to give us health benefits and makes us feel good. What can you do today to make your ‘mini-world’ a better world?

Support for those with children under 4 or who are pregnant
