Whole School Christmas Concert
On Tuesday 18th December we put on a Christmas Concert for friends and family. Every child was included and put on an excellent show. Here are some of the feedback comments we have received from the parents.
Christmas Fun in PSRP
PSRP had a lovely Christmas Craft afternoon. They made chocolate tree decorations, painted and had lots of fun. This are just some of the lovely comments made by their parents.
Celebration of Reading Week October 2018
Meet the teacher - Information Evening September 2018
Thank you to everyone who attended a meeting - these meetings are really important and help you to help us in school.
What you said:
Areas we are thinking about as a result of your feedback:
Parent Survey Responses July 2018
We continue to work hard and take on board you comments and suggestions for improvements.
We are proud to present you with the Parent Survey Results for 2018. Thank you very much to everyone for your time, thoughts and comments - they are greatly appreciated. We look forward to continuing to improve St Cuthbert’s and to moving forward together with confidence!
Responding to your survey:-
All responses were overwhelming positive and indicate that children;
The responses indicated that school;
We will be working hard to:
Continue to communicate well
Invest in an electronic method to pay money into school
Year 1 Class Assembly and Workshop - The Enormous Turnip
Tuesday 1st May 2018
Our Year 1 children this term have enjoyed reading the story of the Enormous Turnip and for their class assembly retold it to their friends and family using makaton. They spend some time reinventing the story and enjoyed writing their own versions of it.
"Fab idea, getting parents and families involved and great for the children too."
Ella Bingham's family
"Had a lovely time. Involving parents is great. Thank you for sharing." Alfie James Fielding's mum
EY Class Assembly - Chinese New Year
Wednesday 7th February 2018
Our EY Children performed a short assembly for the whole school and their families. They then had a stay and play session, so our grown ups could join in with Chinese New Year activities.
This is what the parent said,
"Really enjoyed the singing and all the fun activities."
"The children were amazing, confident and self assured."
Religion Around the World Assembly
On Wednesday 15th November school held a 'Religions Around the World' assembly in order for the children in each year group to showcase their learning about different world religions. During the assembly we found many facts about Buddhism, Sikhism, Islam and Judaism.
Parent Survey Responses July 2017
We are proud to present you with the Parent Survey Results for 2017. Thank you very much to everyone for your time, thoughts and comments - they are greatly appreciated. We look forward to continuing to improve St Cuthbert’s and to moving forward together with confidence!
Responding to your survey:-
All responses were overwhelming positive and indicate that children;
The responses indicated that school;
We will be working hard to:
Year 2 Coffee Afternoon and Certificate Ceremony - Monday 17th July
Year 2 enjoyed hosting an end of year Certificate Ceremony, followed by coffee and cake for their parents. They celebrated all their hard work throughout the year and shared their hopes for life in the Juniors.
These are just some of the lovely comments our parents said:
"All Year 2 staff go above and beyond!"
"Very engaging teaching this year. Poppy came home everyday with something exciting she had learnt."
"Class Dojo has been great. Miss Covill always replies to any questions."
Year 4 Singing Recital - Thursday 6th July
Year 4 worked hard all term to develop and improve their singing. They worked with a specialised music teacher and learnt a variety of new songs.
"Excellent performance - great singing by all!" Lucas Bolton
"Fantastic - well done Year 4!" Oscar Howard
Religions from around the World Assembly
On Friday 20th January we held a special assembly to share the information each class had found out about a religion from around the world that they had chosen to study. Each class researched a different religion and presented their findings to parents, carers and friends from our local community. There was a lot of singing and dancing, as well as some super explanations.
2016 Christmas Concert
Our 2016 Christmas concert opened with the story of 'The Bossy King' presented by our KS 1 children. They sang beautifully and remembered all of their lines. This was then followed by each of our KS 2 classes. Year 3 performed, 'The 12 days of Christmas', Year 4, 'Tis the Night before Christmas', Year 5, 'The Grinch' and finally Year 6 presented, 'A song and dance about Christmas'. All of the children were amazing and we are all incredibly proud of them. A special thank you to Joshua for playing the piano beautifully.
These are just some of the comments we received;
"Once again the children have all excelled themselves, a lovely performance, funny and witty and great singing. You can't improve of perfection."
"Excellent, good humour, confident, talented and well-organised."
"Outstanding, thank you for all your hard work!"
"The children were excellent, the behaviour was brilliant and it was a super show!"
"Excellent - obviously a lot of hard work from staff and children!"
Parents' Evening November 2016
Thank you for coming along to our November 2016 parents' evening, it was great to see so many of you supporting your children.
The overall attendance was 82%.
During the evening we asked you if you found the meetings useful and if you feel fully informed about your child’s attainment and progress.
100% of the responses indicted that you found the meetings useful and that you feel fully informed of well your child is doing in school.
Some additional comments included:
“My child is very happy and the teachers are always happy to answer any queries and concerns. I am very pleased with the progress my child is making.”
“We both really value the input received. It is evident that my child is encouraged to reach her full potential. Thank you for ensuring she doesn’t become disengaged or static within her learning.”
Lancashire Day
On the 25th November we held our Lancashire Day. The children all dressed up and parents, carers and friends from the community were invited to attend our Friday Worship which was followed by each class hosting a 'Lancashire style workshop activity'. The activities included making hot pot, building Blackpool Tower, baking Chorley cakes and lots more.
42 people attended the day and these are just some of their fabulous comments:
"A really enjoyable morning." EY
"Great Fun!" Thank you - Ms Reed Y3
"Lovely morning, breakfast, coffee and biscuits followed by joining in on all the fun activities in class." Mrs Nebil Y2
"Absolutely brilliant! Great to spend time with my child in school. Very brave to do baking!" Ms Quinn Y3
"Yet another brilliant day - can't wait for the next one!" Mrs Cooper Y2
"Really good environment for children and they are all settled and happy." Mr Short Y4
Clog Dancing - Year 6
Year 6 have been working hard to develop their dancing skills. They have been taught by a professional clog dancer called Alex Fisher for 8 weeks. As a finale to their training they performed an amazing clog dance routine for their parents. Ten parents attended the performance and this is what they said;
"The children did really well. I brought four little children and they were transfixed by the dancing." Ms Hazell
"The children did an amazing job!" Mrs Hilliard
"The children were fantastic and really enjoyed getting the parents involved.!" Mrs Smith
Meet the teacher - Information Evening September 2016
Thank you to everyone who attended a meeting - these meetings are really important and help you to help us in school. Attendance by parents improved this year and was 55% overall.
What you said:
Parent Survey Responses July 2016
We are proud to present you with the Parent Survey Results for 2016. Thank you very much to everyone for your time, thoughts and comments - they are greatly appreciated. We look forward to continuing to improve St. Cuthbert’s and to moving forward together with confidence!
Responding to your survey:-
We will be working hard to:
Rainbow fish Assembly
Thank you to everyone who came to supported the Year 1 and PSRP's special assembly. 83% of you attended the event.
Your comments included;
"A brilliant effort, I am so proud!"
"A great way of boosting self confidence and public speaking - well done!"
Pirate Assembly
Thank you to everyone who supported the EY Pirate Party morning. 79% of you attended the event.
Your comments included;
"Fantastic- the children looked like they really enjoyed themselves and did so well learning the songs and dances."
"I thought the play was brilliant!"
"The pirate party was lots of fun and it was great to see the children having fun learning."
March Parents' Evening 2016
Thank you for coming along to our March parents' evening, it is great to see so many of you supporting your children.
During the evening our Year 6 children worked hard to find out your opinions about our parents’ evening and the work of the school.
This is what they found out:
This also found out that more of you now know about the work of the school council and read the updates they post both on the newsletters and website.
Lancashire Week
59 Parents attended the Lancashire Open Afternoon. Everyone who attended had a great time. These are some of the comments we received;
Thank you for coming along to our November 2015 parents' evening , it is great to see so many of you supporting your children.
During the evening our Year 6 children worked hard to find out your opinions about our parents’ evening and the work of the school.
This is what they found out:
What you would like to know:
So in order to communicate the work of the school council they will include a ½ termly report on the school’s newsletter.
Meet the teacher - Information Evening September 2015
Thank you to everyone who attended the meetings - these meetings are really important and help you to help us in school. Attendance by parents to the meetings overall was 31%.
What you said about the meetings:
Helping you to help us...
In response to our summer 2015 parental survey we are holding a, ‘meet the teacher information evening’ on Wednesday 23 rd September 2015.
Some parents didn't feel they knew enough about the new curriculum or assessment without levels. This is your chance to find out. Teachers in classes 1 to 6 will hold two meetings one after school and one at 5.15 pm. Come along and meet your child’s teacher, ask questions and get to know what they will be learning about this year.