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Worship Club

Worship Club

'But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.'

Luke 18:16 


Spring 1st Half term 2024

This half term we have been training to be JEDI warriors fighting for Justice, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.


We have reflected upon Micah 6:8- "The Lord God has told us what is right and what he demands: see that justice is done; let mercy be your first concern and humbly obey God." 


We explored James 2:1-6 and considered the way we may treat people differently because of how they look. We thought about the difference between equality and equity and the fact that it is important that each person has what they need, not the exact same thing.


We celebrated the diversity within our school community and explored 1 Corinthians:12-13 recognising that whilst we are all different, we are all part of God's family and of equal value and infinite worth.


Finally we thought about inclusion and the importance of belonging. We explored the story of Zacchaeus and the transformational effect that being included had on his life.


Our children continue to be courageous advocated and JEDI warriors.

Autumn 2nd Half Term 2023


This half term we have thought about 'Compassion' focusing on the Bible verse

"Cloth yourself with compassion, kindness , humility, gentleness and patience."

Colossians 3:12


We examined the importance of noticing a need and reflected on Mark 6:34 when Jesus showed compassion to the many followers on the shore of the lake.


We thought about how we can be good neighbours by exploring the story of the Good Samaritan and how we can have the courage to speak up for others by reflecting on the story of Moses and how he was rescued. During this half term we launched our campaign to raise money for Maddi's Butterflies and the School Council organised a range of fund raising events.



Throughout Advent, the Worship Group helped us to reflect upon the meaning of the Advent Candles and helped us to explore the Nativity story.



Autumn 1st Half Term 2023


This half term we have been thinking about 'generosity'. We have thought about how we can give generously and cheerfully and the gifts that God has given us, including the gifts of creation. We considered how we value those gifts by looking after them and nurturing them as best as we can.


We showed our generosity by donating to the Foodbank for our Harvest appeal and have been thinking about the ways we can be generous in other ways such as by giving our time to help others.


We have drawn inspiration from the Bible to guide us in our thinking using the verses below


"Love your neighbour as yourself." Mark 12:31

"God loves a cheerful giver." 2 Corinthians 9:7

"The Lord God placed the man in the Garden of Eden to tend and look after it." Genesis 2:15


Summer 2


This Half Term we have been thinking about 'Truth and Truthfulness'. We introduced the theme by focusing on Zechariah 8:16 "Tell the Truth to each other."


We explored the Matthew 13:44-46 and how the truth can be like hidden treasure that we sometimes have to search for.


We then thought about how it is not always easy to be honest and that it often takes courage to be honest exploring the Bible verse "Speak the truth in a spirit of love." Ephesians 4:15.


The Worship Group helped us to celebrate our successes this year by explaining our different award certificates and how they link to our school's Christian Vision.

Summer 1


This half term we are thinking about Service and our Words of Wisdom for this half term are


"Serve one another in Love."

Galatians 5:13


We will be thinking about how we can use our talents to serve others and how to serve with 'no strings attached', remembering that Jesus said


"I did not come to be served, but to serve."

Matthew 20:28


We will be considering the heart of Service by exploring the story of King Samuel and how we can live for others by exploring the passage in Matthew 4:18-20 when Jesus called to the fishermen Simon and Andrew.


We will then celebrate the Church's birthday as we mark the season of Pentecost using Acts 2:42-47.




Spring 2 2023


This half term we will be thinking about the concept of 'Justice'. We will considering how treating each other fairly does not always mean treating everyone exactly the same, how we can ask God to help us make wise decisions and to see the whole picture and how we see God's love in action through acting justly. 


We will then consider rules God gave us to act justly and how justice won between good and evil through Jesus' death on the cross and resurrection.


Words of wisdom for this half term

"Learn to do right. seek justice."

Isaiah 1:17


This half term's worship also helps us to think about how we can be 'Courageous Advocates'.

Spring 1 2023


This half term, the Worship group will be guiding us in exploring 'Perseverance' and how faith can help us to persevere when we feel like giving up.


"Let us run with perseverance the race that lies before us. Let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from beginning to end."

Hebrews 12: 1-2

"I can do all things through Him who strengthens me."

Philippians 4.13

Autumn 2 2022


This half term the Worship Group have been guiding us in thinking about Trust and how we can honour the trust other people put in us.


"My God is my strength in whom I trust."

Psalm 18:2


They also taught us about the season of Advent and the meaning of each candle. We particularly enjoyed their challenge in which we had to spread 'joy' to the local community by sending cards to people who help us such as the Emergency Services.

Autumn 1 2022


This half term, the Worship Group have been revisiting our school Mission and Vision. They have helped us to consider things we are thankful for through our Harvest Appeal and have taught us about Courageous Advocacy and how we can become 'Courageous Advocates'!


"Always be thankful."

1 Thessalonians 5:16


We are a school community that has the courage to ‘speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves

Proverbs 31:8

Summer 1 2022

This half term the Worship Group are exploring the concept of ‘Friendship’.


We are thinking of how we can

Encourage one another- 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Support one another- Luke 5:17-39

Make time for each other Luke 10:38-42


This has been especially important as we support our Year 6 children through their SATs and as we all start to think about transition.

Spring 2 2022

This half term, we have followed the ‘Roots and Fruits’ resource to explore the concept of ‘Forgiveness’.


We have examined the theme of ‘forgiveness’ from different angles as we reflect on the period of Lent.


Wiping the Slate Clean- Colossians 3.13

Turning over a New Leaf- Luke 19: 1-10- The Story of Zacchaeus.

Forgiving others as God has forgiven You- Matthew 18:21-35.

Beginning Again- Luke 15: 11-32- The Parable of the Prodigal Son.

Putting the Past behind us- Psalm 32:1


The whole school reflected upon Holy Week by performing the Easter Story to our Parents, we were overwhelmed by the support we received.

Worship Group assisting Bishop Philip at Mrs Coolican's Commissioning Service

Spring 1 2022


This January, we have relaunched our Worship Group. Together, the Worship Group have reminded our pupils about our School Vision Statement:


‘In our family school, we strive to be the best for today, for tomorrow, for ourselves, for each other, the wider world and for God.

As a Christian family we nurture an understanding that we are all of equal value and infinite worth.

In the safety of our unique family we will flourish and grow towards being Global Citizens and Courageous Advocates.’

 (‘You are now citizens together with God's people and members of the family of God’. Ephesians 2:19)


The Worship Group focused on a different line each week throughout the Spring first half term.

They are becoming more confident in speaking to an audience and are looking forward to developing their role.

Remembrance Day 2020 'Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.' John 15:13

Worship club meet every Tuesday after school to plan, prepare and evaluate worship in school.  They focus on our core Christian values of Love, Hope, Trust, Faith and Peace and the stories Jesus told.  



Our School Prayer

This is our school.

Let peace dwell here.

Let the rooms be full of happiness.

Let love abide here.

Love of one another.

Love of life itself

And love of God.

Let us remember that

As many hands make a building,

So many hearts make a school.

