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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1


I am Mrs Hughes and I will be the class teacher in Year 1 this year.   Miss Wood is our class TA.


We are looking forward to getting to know our new Year 1 children and starting on an exciting year of learning. 


Try not to worry if your child feels a little anxious about the move into Year 1.  We will spend lots of time listening, nurturing and offering lots of reassurance to help your child to settle in and feel at ease.  We will continue to use play in our learning throughout the coming weeks and months.



At St Cuthbert's, our systematic synthetic Phonics programme is Essential Letters and Sounds. This phonics programme will support your children in making quick progress to become fluent and confident readers.


To best support us in teaching your child to read, we ask that you read the decodable text provided by the school four times across the week. Spending 10 minutes a day reading with your child will hugely support them on their journey to becoming an independent reader. We will be changing children’s books once a week on Fridays. This will allow your child to re-read each text several times, building their confidence and fluency. This is especially important as they begin to learn that the sounds within our language can be spelled in different ways. For children, re-reading words and sentences that they can decode (sound out) until they are fluent (read with ease and precision) is a key part of learning to read. By reading texts several times, children have the greatest opportunity to achieve this fluency.


The books sent home are carefully matched to the teaching taking place in school. Your child will be practising what they have been taught in school with you at home. We will only ask children to read books independently when they can decode these by themselves.


Essential Letters and Sounds Parent Information Workshop

ELS: Phase 2 pronunciation

Essential Letters and Sounds or ELS is a synthetic phonics programme for learning to read. In this video you can hear the pronunciation of the phase 2 sounds.

ELS: Phase 3 pronunciation

Essential Letters and Sounds or ELS is a synthetic phonics programme for learning to read. In this video you can hear the pronunciation of the phase 3 sounds.

ELS: Phase 5 pronunciation

Essential Letters and Sounds or ELS is a synthetic phonics programme for learning to read. In this video you can hear the pronunciation of the phase 5 sounds.

Essential Letters and Sounds Resources (Supporting the teaching of Phonics and Early Reading at home)



Homework will be given at the beginning of a half term in the form of a homework grid, stuck in your child's homework book.  The homework matches the learning taking place in each half term and is set in a range of practical and written activities.  If you aim to do one of the activities each week, then your child will have experienced around six in each half term.  Homework books can be brought in and checked on a Wednesday or Thursday and they will be given back out again on a Friday.  We encourage you to become involved in supporting your child with their homework.



P.E. will be taught on a Monday and Tuesday by Mr Ellison.  Children can come to school in their PE t-shirt and shorts and they may wear plain black or grey joggers in the colder months.  There are long sleeved, 1/4 zipped P.E. tops available from Grays should you wish your child to wear something more substantial in the colder months.  Alternatively, children may wear their school jumper / cardigan over their short sleeved P.E. t-shirt.  Hoodies are not permitted.  Children can come in black trainers or school shoes and change into their pumps in school.  Named pumps should be kept in school in named PE bags.  

Forest School


Forest school will take place on alternate Wednesday afternoons for Year 1 children.  They will need to come dressed in suitable outdoor clothing on these mornings (bringing a coat with a hood and wellies), bringing their school uniform to change into at the end of the session.  It is really important that children come equipped with their uniform to change into, so that they are in clean and dry clothes ready for their afternoon learning.  




Just a reminder at the start of the school year, that all items of uniform must be labelled with your child's full name in order to avoid misplaced items.  Children do, at times, need to take their jumpers off in class, and clothing can quickly become lost or mixed up if it isn't labelled.  Without named items of clothing it becomes really difficult to match missing items to their owners.


Please be aware that jewellry isn't allowed in school.  We advise that ear piercing is saved for the summer holidays so that they can heal before the start of the new school year.  

Class Dojo 


We will continue to use Class Dojo in Year 1 this year.  Your child's Dojo account has now been passed up from Reception to Year 1.   We will communicate predominantly through Dojo, and will also add photographs of your child's work throughout the year.  If you haven't already, you will be able to download the app to your digital device, and like and comment on your child's work.  If you would like to connect an additional parent to Dojo, please let me know, however, we are unable to connect anybody other than parents. 


Please note that Dojo messages will only be received during the hours of 8am and 5pm, so please don't worry if you don't receive an immediate response.

Purple Mash


We use Purple Mash in school to support learning in computing, and across other areas of the curriculum.  Your child will bring home their Purple Mash login details in their reading record and homework books.  They can access Purple Mash at home by following the link bellow and using their individual login details.

Meet the Teacher Presentation


Here is the presentation that we shared at our Meet the Teacher evening.  It may answer any further questions that you may have.

Class Timetable

Here is our class timetable.  We may have the odd change to the timetable on occasion, but we aim to stick fairly closely to this.

Year 1 Timetable for Autumn 1

Year 1 Curriculum Plans
